Код Товара: 1510413
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Материалы в электронном формате (разрешается распечатка).
❗️ Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание на лицензионные условия:
- запрещена перепродажа или безвозмездное распространение;
- одна лицензия дает право на работу с учебником:
- учителю со своими учащимися (без права передачи учащимся);
- родителям со своим ребенком;
- самостоятельно для личной учебы.
- учителю со своими учащимися (без права передачи учащимся);
- родителям со своим ребенком;
- самостоятельно для личной учебы.
Guy Fawkes Night lesson. Vocabulary training, listening, reading, grammar, writing and speaking practice.
Guy Fawkes Night is a British holiday celebrated on 5 November. This material is aimed at students of 8-11 forms . It can be well used for ZNO preparation as here we practice all the aspects of the language.
Guy Fawkes Night is a British holiday celebrated on 5 November. This material is aimed at students of 8-11 forms . It can be well used for ZNO preparation as here we practice all the aspects of the language.
Kids will get acquainted with dozens of new words and practice them in various exercises.
So among the 13 exercises of this lesson there are:- Listening Comprehension task
- vocabulary tasks
- reading tasks
- writing tasks;
- speaking tasks;
- grammas tasks
- Plus text and audio (mp3)
- Keys to exercises
The main grammar topic here is the Passive Voice. This material can also be used as part of regional studies (страноведение).

- Listening Comprehension task
- vocabulary tasks
- reading tasks
- writing tasks;
- speaking tasks;
- grammas tasks
- Plus text and audio (mp3)
- Keys to exercises
The main grammar topic here is the Passive Voice.
This material can also be used as part of regional studies (страноведение).
Книги | |
Формат | PDF с возможностью печати + аудио MP3 |
Вес | 1,82 Мб |
Печать внутри | полноцветная |